Westlaw Practical Law

Get Expert Legal Advice with Westlaw Practical Law

What’s the best way to keep up with developments in the law as they happen? You can always count on Westlaw Practical Law, which offers you the latest news, practical advice, and expert commentary on everything from estate planning to bankruptcy to family law to civil litigation. 

Read on to find out more about what Practical Law has to offer and how it can help you make better legal decisions every day.


From employee handbooks to leases, a legal document can be as simple as a three-page brochure or it can cover thousands of pages of legal fine print. 

No matter what your legal needs are, there's no denying that you'll find useful information from Westlaw Practical Law. 

There's a reason attorneys around the country have turned to Westlaw Practical Law for many years: it provides practical legal solutions, so you can find expert advice and strategies to help you solve your unique problems. 

So if you're looking for more than just basic answers, get started today on finding exactly what you need by learning how practical law can make your life easier.

Why do you need Westlaw?

If you’re not quite sure where to start, and you don’t have a specific legal question in mind, you might want to turn to Westlaw Practical Law. 

This section is best for explaining how laws are applied in real-world situations. It’s ideal for someone who has an idea about what they need but doesn’t know enough to ask their own questions or search online (and it can also be used as a jumping-off point if you want to expand your search later). 

For example, if I searched Westlaw practical law contracts, I would find real-life case studies and expert commentary on relevant issues including how agencies interpret contracts differently than businesses or how courts usually handle breach of contract claims.

What can Westlaw help you find?

Need help negotiating your company’s legal contracts? Turn to Westlaw for a practical law solution. With research guides, forms, and best practices, plus news and other tools to help you find what you need quickly, it’s a great first stop on your legal research journey. 

You can even submit sample documents directly to an attorney for feedback. Speaking of attorneys—Westlaw connects you to 6 million of them worldwide. 

Access every state bar exam or local lawyer directory out there through one app, giving you a powerful way to connect with experts in all 50 states or any county in America. 

And if their expertise isn’t what you need right now, turn around and tap into their knowledge by posting your own questions online—it’s quick and easy!

How do I get started?

First, identify your legal issue. For example, you might be looking for a lawyer to assist you in helping your business or provide counsel on a real estate matter. 

You might have been served with papers or had an accident and now need information about starting a lawsuit. 

Once you've identified your legal issue, search for related resources on Westlaw Practical Law to find answers to common questions and get advice from experienced attorneys who are ready to help.

Reviews and how to choose the right product

No matter what you’re shopping for, chances are there’s an app out there designed to help. Reviews help you choose products by letting you know which items perform well and which ones don’t. 

Online reviews can be great for physical products like cell phones or DVD players, but how do they work when it comes to legal services? 

There are plenty of ways to get legal advice online, but it’s worth doing your research first if you want a more comprehensive experience than what a review site provides. 

Today we’ll talk about some of your options and how they compare in terms of cost and convenience. We’ll also talk about some reasons why an online review might not offer all that much help.

Pricing, Product Comparisons, and FAQs

In practicing law, you can find more than just legal opinions and case summaries. This database also has tools that provide pricing information on issues such as entity formation, 

intellectual property analysis, tax planning, and court data. The price of west law practical law varies by state or territory. 

Find your local jurisdiction here to get started with access to west law's vast content library. You can sign up for a free 7-day trial and see how you like it. 

After your free trial period is over, you'll be charged $99/month or pay $995 per year if paid annually.

Where To Buy

You can purchase a subscription to Westlaw Practical Law directly from their website. You can also search for local options in your area at Find Local Help. 

When buying a subscription, it is important to remember that you will be billed every month or year until you cancel your subscription. Title: How To Use The Best Online Legal Database To Find A Local Attorney

Getting Started Guide

Getting Started is Easy! The first thing you need to do is create an account. After that, you can browse through a wide variety of legal topics, including Contracts, Torts and Health Care. 

Next, you will want to select a specific category (which generally corresponds to a different legal system). 

For example, if you live in Missouri and are seeking information about US law, then U.S. Law would be your best bet for finding what you’re looking for. 

Alternatively, if you were seeking information about Italian law, then Italian Law would be your best bet instead. Just click on Practice Areas once inside each category to get started quickly!

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