On-Page Seo Checklist: Optimize A Search e Engine

We write a lot of good articles a lot of the time and we write a lot of good articles from our competitors but we don't get the results we want. "On-Page Seo Checklist"

I think if you read today's article you will be able to correct your mistakes and if you work for what we have said you will get the desired results.

On-Page Seo Checklist: Optimize A Search e Engine

OnPage SEO Checklist 2021

Which is a must have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program

  • Keyword Intent
  • Topical relevance
  • Proper use of keywords
  • Unique and best quality content
  • Site structure

1. What is keyword content in SEO?

Understand what a keyword's search engine is. Suppose you take a keyword that you will write an article on the keyword now what is meant by that keyword. Want to know something or search keywords to buy something

Below are some examples. What kind of keyword

  • "how does a computer work" - Informational Internet
  • "Facebook" - Navigational Internet
  • "by mackbook pro" - Buying Intent
  • "mailchimp vs convertkit" - Investigative Intent

2. What is Topical Relevance?

It is very important to check the keyword content as well as the topical relevance of that keyword. All you can do is check the topical relevance

  • .Google Autosuggestion
  • .Google related search list
  • .Manual competitor check

3. Proper use of keywords

The first way to find out what is inside an article is to look at the title of the article - so as much as possible you should write the title of the article and add the keyword to the title.

  • . Using keywords in the title of the article
  • .If possible, give keywords in natural subheadings (h1, h2, h3)
  • .Naturally given keywords within the first 100 words of the article

4. Unique and best quality content

If you write unique and best content then your article will come first if you love onpage SEO. When writing a good unique article, keep the following points in mind

  • .Good content from competitors
  • .Content that is easy to read
  • .Content must be kept above the fold
  • .Do not keep full skin image in .above the fold
  • .Using attractive headlines

5. Site structure

Optimize page speed

And whatever you do, your article will be loved by SEO

  • 1. Using short URLs
  •     Just keep the original keywords
  • Ex:globaltechnology4u. com/seo-tips-2021
  • 2. Using Alt Text in the image
  • 3. Outbound linking
  • If possible, link to high quality sites

Advanced onpage SEO tips

  • 1. Using the original image
  • 2. Using internal links for the right reason
  • 3. Optimized for featured snippets
  • 4. Close ranking pages to boost with the help of Google search console
  • 5. If possible give infographics with articles

Last words:

I think if you do these things before you write an article, your article will get a rank - and if you like our post, please share it. Thank You

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