The Best Top 10 Best Food in The World-by GT4u
This blog we coverage top 10 best food in the world-We don't usually want to eat that food if we don't want to eat it. But when cooked properly, it is yummy to eat all the food. Delicious lying on the tongue. Some other foods become world famous because of their taste. Some of these famous foods are highlighted on the lifestyle global technology 4u website. Find out which countries have famous food all over the world.
1. Masaman Curry, Thailand
It is one of the most popular dishes in Thailand. Masaman curry is very delicious to eat and it looks interesting. It is a type of spicey, cocoa nati, sweet and spiced food. In total, you will find all kinds of flavours in a meal. If you get a taste of all kinds of food in a meal, anyone would like to eat this food like you too!
2.Nepolitan Pizza, Italy
This italian pizza is famous for its taste across the world. This pizza is made of three types of fresh tomatoes, hand-made doe and directly in wooden fire ovens. That's why this pizza tastes completely different from all other pizzas. Pizza is what anyone likes to eat. And if this pizza fun is different from all other pizzas, everyone will want to eat.
3. Sushi, Japan
Sushi is a very popular dish all over the world including Japan. Sugar plates are decorated with seafood, rice, vegetables and various fruits. It is a very healthy and delicious dish.
4. Hamburger, Germany
Burgers are more or less available in all countries. But the hamburgers made in Germany taste quite different. This hamburger made of bread, meat and salad mixture will give you complete satisfaction.
5. Tom Yam Gong, Thailand
Another famous dish in Thailand is Tom Yam Gong. It uses different species of shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, galasgal and kafir lime leaves, which increase its taste manifold. It's a good responsibility to forget the taste of it once you eat it.
6. Chicken Muamba, Gabon
Chicken muamba is a very popular dish in Gabon, Africa. This food is cooked with chicken, tomatoes, bea liif, garlic and pinat butter. This food is very delicious to eat with rice.
7. Kabab, Iran
Iran's famous kebab sits in a taste not forgotten. This kabab is very delicious to eat with naroti, parata or basmati rice rice. The kabab is made with cow, khasi or chicken. Most of the time this kabab is made by burning it in a fire or by making a cake in the oven.
8. Lasana, Italy
Go to Italy and don't eat lasana. What happens? This lasana is made of a layer of pashta, cheese, tomato sauce and meat yam. It is unique in taste and also looks amazing. Don't try it once. You'd like to eat again and again.
9. Fish n Chips, Britain
Fish n chips are available in different countries of the world. But Britain's Fish n Chips tastes completely different. Different types of fish are marinated in various ways and fried in sink oil along with special French fries. So if you go to Britain, you must taste fish n chips.
10. Chicken Perm, Australia
Chicken perm is one of the most famous dishes in Australia. Tomato is beked with beige nepolitan sauce and cheese over a chicken breast. Even after eating this delicious dish, it tastes a little time.