How To Lose Belly Fat Exercises - Lose Belly Fat For Women

There are different exercises to how to lose belly fat exercises, some of them are very effective and efficient to get desired results within weeks.

"how to exercise to lose belly fat fast"

Many of us have excess fat in our body so that we can't walk for good. Sometimes it is seen that vivinmedicine is used to remove this fat. As a result, our problems increase. So today we will talk about 15 exercises.

The exercises you can do at home and if regular do these exercises will reduce the fat in your body. So that you can walk for good 

First of all, we will know what the fat in the stomach is. Eating extra fat/all the food increases the amount of fat in our stomach, which makes the stomach bigger than our body, causing us a lot of difficulty in our movements.

how to lose belly fat 

how to lose belly fat exercises

1. Crunches exercise for lose belly fat

Crunches This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. Crunches are the faster way to burn the belly fat For melting fat the crunches stands at the number one position

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2. Twist Crunches exercise for lose belly fat fast 

Twist CrunchesThis exercise also helps in reducing your body fat, you become habitual to the regular crunches then start with twist crunches.

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3. Side Crunches exercise for lose belly fat quickly 

Side Crunches This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. is no too much difference between the twisting crunch and side crunch.

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4. Reverse Plank exercise for lose belly fat 

Reverse Plank This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. crunch is the 4th variation exercise in the range of crunches

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5. Vertical Leg Crunch exercise for lose belly fat 

Vertical Leg Crunch This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. need to cross one leg on the other leg by pulling up from the floor.

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6. Cycling exercise for lose belly fat

Cycling This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. need to have a bicycle under your hips. Just imagine how to do it?

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7. Lunge Twist exercise for lose belly fat

Lunge Twist This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. you are a newbie then this exercise is good to reduce your belly fat

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8. Rolling Plank exercise for lose belly fat

Rolling Plank This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. exercise is effective for your back, abdomen, and hip

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9. Stomach Vacuum exercise for lose belly fat

Stomach Vacuum This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. exercise doesn't increase your heart rate but put stress on the breathing 

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10. Captain's Chair exercise for lose belly fat

Captain's Chair This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. order to perform this exercise, you need only captain chair

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11. Side Bends exercise for lose belly fat

Side Bends This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat.It is a best aerobic exercise to reduce the tummy fatness.

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12. Walking exercise for lose belly fat

Walking This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat.Daily walk between 25 to 50 minutes and add good diet with it can help you reduce weight fastly

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13. Running exercise for lose belly fat

Running This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat.If you are doing other exercises with running then it would be an added advantage for to lose belly fat.

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14. Jogging exercise for lose belly fat

Jogging This exercise also helps in reducing your body fat.Jogging means running with very slow speed but it is faster than walking.

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15. Swimming exercise for lose belly fat

SwimmingThis exercise also helps in reducing your body fat. It is better to swim minimum 1 or maximum 2 times in a week.

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Do these exercises to get quick results. These exercises can be do at

home or gym both

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