how to do on page seo 8 way step by step

 how to do on page seo

If you can set the topics I have talked how to do on page seo here with love, you will get a good result.
how to do on page seo

Many of us have created blog sites and many have started working, but have we been able to complete the on-page setup of our site properly?

 The role of on-page SEO is very important in site ranking, how to do on page seo

 We can't maintain our site ranking most of the time due to not doing on-page SEO properly and we lose a lot of visitors,

 Today in this post I will talk to you about some of the serious mistakes of on page SEO and also discuss how you can fix this mistake correctly, so let's get started, how to do on page seo

1) Title: Most of us people don't use the main keyword in the title because of which most of the visitors have to lose. The title must be between 50 to 60 characters, the title must contain the main keyword of your page. Have to

 2) Do not use the correct page URL: Use the page URL correctly, the URL should always be short, the URL should be good, meaningful URL with the main keyword of the page, URL It is better not to use this number. how to do on page seo

 3) Don't pay attention to meta description: Visitors always enter the site paying attention to your description, so you have to write the description 

correctly, you have to write the meta description between 150-160 characters, you have to put the main keyword in the meta description.

4) Do not give ALT Text in the image: Just as it is important to use images inside the content, it is also 

important to use ALT Text in the image, it multiplies your site visitors, ALT tag should always focus on keywords. Use space as a word separator in ALT tag. .

 5) Heading Tag is not used properly: Heading Tag must be used properly on the site, H1 Heading Tag 

must be used in the title of the page, it is better to use H1 tag only once in a page, in the content of your page. It is better to put important headings in H2 / H3 tags

 6) Internal link: By linking the content of the same category that you are writing to your site to your site, it will help you to rank this content as well as the linked content.

 7) No mobile friendly design: The site must be designed mobile friendly, because according to Google, 56% of searches come from mobile, so your website

 must be Mobile Friendly. You can check from this link to know if your site is mobile friendly design.

 8) Slow Page Loading Speed: If your site's page speed is slow, know that your site is moving far away from ranking, if your site is not loaded in three seconds, 

there is a possibility of losing 7 out of 10 visitors, look at tie page speed, According to Google, 53% of users leave your website on mobile, if the page takes more than 3 seconds to load.

 Check your site by clicking on the link below to know the loading speed of your website. Https://

 As far as I know, I have tried to write it in order, I have written it all from other blogs like me later, if you make a mistake, you will see it with forgiveness,
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